Collecting John Pickford Wiki

Frothers Unite!

To see more about the annual Frother's Sculpting Contests please visit: Frothers Unite - UK!

2005 FU UK! Sculpting Contest: "Female miniatures... that women would buy"

The Hasslefree Miniatures HFW001 Goblin Queen Diorama was an entry for the 2005 FU UK! Sculpting Contest: "Female miniatures... that women would buy". Here is some of the pictures of the greens taken from the contest. The Diorama piece was later acquired by Hasslefree Miniatures and sold in a limited period and is now OOP.

2006 FU UK! Sculpting Contest: "Asylum"

In 2006 John entered a Asylum Doctor/Faceless Stalker. The miniature was moulded by White Knight and a few copies was made.

2007 FU UK! Sculpting Contest: "the Unseelie Suspects - or the dark side of faeryland"

In 2007 John entered the FU UK! Sculpting contest again. This time again with a diorama piece called: "Puck's dance". The diorama was entered in the category: "Satyrs and Woodland spirits".

The main figure is Puck, dancing on a rock, his true nature revealed from behind. With him are Peaseblossom on lute and Mustard Seed on trumpet, who are provide the music for Puck's death dance.

They do not care if they are disturbing the inhabitant of the rock, and are therefore "neighbours from hell". It must be early morning as he has not yet brought in the milk from the doorstep.

Originally Puck is referred back to old English folklore/mythology, but John's Puck here is inspired by Niel Gaiman's "Puck", who appeared first in "the Sandman - Dream Country" - where Puck is instrumental in the circumstances leading to the death of Dream. Peaseblossom and Mustard Seed are two fairies who appear in Gaiman's "a Midsummer Night's Dream" where Peaseblossom, refers to Puck as: "...that giggling-dangerous-totally-bloody-psychotic-menace-to-life-and-limb...."

John thought pig and hedgehog would be appropriated representing the fairies, as they are common enough on carvings on Misericords. Pigs with bagpipes and trumpets are common enough but also Hedgehogs can appear. Guess, John is often a bit bored at church og simply just like medieval church carvings.

The miniature has been moulded by the Mould Maker and cast by White Knight - but only 3 copies has been made.

Peaseblossom and Mustard Seed has been a limited edition release from White Knight Miniatures, though. And in 2014 WK kindly donated one of the existing masters to me, and I've have had the full piece moulded and cast - see The Old Bag.